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WebSocket vs TCP

WebSocket and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) are both communication protocols used to enable data exchange over networks. While WebSocket operates at a higher level and is designed specifically for web applications, TCP is a lower-level protocol that provides the foundation for reliable communication between devices over a network. Understanding the distinctions between these two protocols is crucial for choosing the right technology for your application.

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TCP is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol (IP) suite and operates at the transport layer. It provides a reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of a stream of bytes between applications running on hosts communicating over an IP network. TCP is responsible for establishing a connection between the client and server, ensuring that data packets are delivered in the correct order, and handling retransmissions in case of lost or corrupted packets. TCP is fundamental to many other higher-level protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP, and is used in a wide variety of applications requiring reliable data transfer, such as file transfers, emails, and web browsing.


WebSocket is a protocol that operates over TCP but is specifically designed to facilitate real-time, bidirectional communication between a client (typically a web browser) and a server. WebSocket starts with an HTTP handshake to establish a connection, which is then upgraded to a persistent WebSocket connection. This connection allows for continuous, full-duplex communication, enabling both the client and the server to send and receive data simultaneously. WebSocket is widely used in web applications that require low-latency, real-time communication, such as chat applications, live sports updates, online gaming, and collaborative tools.


Layer of Operation

The key difference between WebSocket and TCP lies in their layer of operation. TCP is a transport layer protocol, providing the foundation for reliable communication. It is a low-level protocol that ensures the delivery of data across the network, handling the segmentation of data into packets, retransmissions, and reordering of out-of-sequence packets. TCP does not dictate how data is structured or interpreted, leaving those responsibilities to higher-level protocols.

WebSocket, on the other hand, operates at a higher level, on top of TCP. It is a messaging protocol that uses TCP to transport data but adds its own framing and control messages to facilitate full-duplex communication in web applications. WebSocket handles the continuous exchange of messages between a client and server, making it easier to implement real-time features in web applications.

Use Cases

TCP is a general-purpose protocol used in a wide range of applications where reliable, ordered delivery of data is essential. It is the backbone of most internet communications, supporting web traffic (HTTP), email (SMTP), file transfers (FTP), and many other protocols. TCP’s reliability and widespread adoption make it suitable for any application where the integrity and order of data transmission are crucial.

WebSocket is specifically designed for scenarios where real-time, bidirectional communication is needed within web applications. It is ideal for applications that require low-latency interactions, such as live chat systems, real-time notifications, online multiplayer games, and live streaming. WebSocket simplifies the process of maintaining an open connection between the client and server, allowing for instant data exchange without the overhead of repeatedly establishing new connections.

Complexity and Implementation

Implementing TCP directly in an application requires handling various low-level details, such as packet assembly, connection management, error detection, and retransmission. While this provides maximum control and flexibility, it also increases the complexity of the application, especially when developing custom communication protocols.

WebSocket abstracts much of this complexity by providing a higher-level interface for real-time communication. It handles the intricacies of maintaining a persistent connection, message framing, and managing the HTTP upgrade process, allowing developers to focus on the application’s real-time features rather than the underlying communication mechanics.


TCP is highly efficient and reliable for the general transport of data, with extensive optimizations developed over decades of use. However, in applications requiring frequent and real-time data exchange, using raw TCP may involve significant overhead, as developers need to manually manage the continuous flow of data.

WebSocket, built on top of TCP, is optimized for scenarios where low latency and minimal overhead are essential. By maintaining a single persistent connection, WebSocket reduces the overhead associated with establishing multiple connections, making it more suitable for real-time applications that require frequent and small data exchanges.


TCP and WebSocket serve different purposes within network communications. TCP, as a fundamental transport protocol, is essential for ensuring reliable data transmission across a network, and it underpins many higher-level protocols, including WebSocket. WebSocket, operating on top of TCP, provides a higher-level abstraction specifically tailored for real-time, bidirectional communication in web applications. When choosing between TCP and WebSocket, consider whether you need the general-purpose, reliable transport capabilities of TCP or the specialized, low-latency real-time communication features offered by WebSocket.