This is the list of event types that we currently send.
For guidance on how to listen to these events, take a look at Svix's guide to consuming webhooks.
This event is triggered after a call is completed. It contains information about the call, such as prospects, transcript, analysis data, and user details.
"id": "f58413db-86fb-41b0-ba62-a23721fe7ac4",
"payload": {
"call": {
"analysis": [
"actionItems": [
"analysisType": "string",
"competitors": [
"customerChallenges": [
"dealDrivers": [
"missedOpportunities": [
"objections": [
"productPositioning": [
"products": [
"salesStrengths": [
"score": 3.14,
"summary": "string"
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T04:22:51.548816074",
"id": "3ba53534-23fa-41d8-ada1-db7385e40276",
"orgId": "329a670e-94bf-467c-b860-98acb547dd66",
"prospectIds": [
"prospects": [
"details": {
"additionalInfo": "string",
"age": 3.14,
"budgetAuthority": "string",
"communicationStyle": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"companySize": 3.14,
"decisionMakingProcess": "string",
"difficulty": "string",
"education": "string",
"gender": "string",
"goals": "string",
"industry": "string",
"informationSources": "string",
"jobTitle": "string",
"keyPerformanceIndicators": "string",
"keyResponsibilities": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"newTechnologyAttitude": "string",
"objectionsToNewTools": "string",
"painPoints": "string",
"personalMotivations": "string",
"preferredVendors": "string",
"techSavviness": 3.14,
"yearsOfExperience": 3.14
"id": "a2a6142d-75dc-4b26-9692-497ca7d554e7",
"imageUrl": "uri",
"name": "string"
"stats": {
"duration": 3.14
"title": "string",
"transcript": [
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T04:22:51.548844471",
"prospectId": "36e52dc7-f504-46c5-a902-7c01a3a94884",
"prospectText": "string",
"speakerName": "string"
"user": {
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T04:22:51.548849484",
"customerId": "string",
"email": "email",
"id": "1bb5caf1-75b6-41d2-bc4a-d144b40482e1",
"image": "uri",
"longestStreak": 3.14,
"managerId": "string",
"name": "string",
"orgId": "bbd3665f-6a3e-48c0-afe8-02bfc4681f6d",
"role": "string",
"status": "string",
"streak": 3.14,
"teamId": "string"
"userId": "cf4b22cb-6dd4-4ddb-b739-3f6993c66c56"
"timestamp": "2025-01-14T04:22:51.548857267",
"type": "string"
This event is triggered after an organization is deleted. It contains updated organization details and other relevant information.
"id": "6ffa12e0-d91c-4d5b-8f52-53aac23d5798",
"payload": {
"org": {
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T05:19:20.936Z",
"id": "1f066d4b-1e7c-4836-8ea0-6ddcd6703995",
"image": "some string",
"name": "some string",
"status": "some string"
"timestamp": "2025-01-14T05:19:20.936Z",
"type": "org.deleted"
This event is triggered after an organization is updated. It contains updated organization details and other relevant information.
"id": "c9a3901c-09c6-45bf-a664-f0bd887d684d",
"payload": {
"org": {
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T05:15:39.855Z",
"id": "05cd57ef-4d04-48d0-b15f-f97acff85e86",
"image": "some string",
"name": "some string",
"status": "some string"
"timestamp": "2025-01-14T05:15:39.855Z",
"type": "org.updated"
This event is triggered after a new user has been created. It contains user details and other relevant information.
"id": "f10bd340-f3aa-42a0-b5be-3f2addee29d0",
"payload": {
"user": {
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T04:51:39.885517929",
"customerId": "string",
"email": "email",
"id": "ae7fc971-691f-40b8-84b5-11f3608bd64d",
"image": "string",
"longestStreak": 42,
"managerId": "string",
"name": "string",
"orgId": "a2de69a6-f2b1-41a2-9971-89ca5dc8a068",
"role": "string",
"status": "string",
"streak": 42,
"teamId": "string"
"timestamp": "2025-01-14T04:51:39.885530709",
"type": "string"
This event is triggered after a new user has been deleted. It contains user details and other relevant information.
"id": "b9bfa132-af83-4adc-bb19-fa98cf35bf43",
"payload": {
"user": {
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T05:04:54.469237308",
"customerId": "string",
"email": "email",
"id": "56c8f39a-c6d8-46c9-9421-66342e826cb3",
"image": "string",
"longestStreak": 42,
"managerId": "string",
"name": "string",
"orgId": "da9c73c5-9db1-4902-a776-a57db0b744f3",
"role": "string",
"status": "string",
"streak": 42,
"teamId": "string"
"timestamp": "2025-01-14T05:04:54.469250368",
"type": "string"
This event is triggered after a new user has been updated. It contains user details and other relevant information.
"id": "d9940f84-0ff8-4c5f-ba6b-275ca45d842e",
"payload": {
"user": {
"createdAt": "2025-01-14T05:03:31.485307191",
"customerId": "string",
"email": "email",
"id": "22b215c8-fccc-4228-b43a-4138826fa3ca",
"image": "string",
"longestStreak": 42,
"managerId": "string",
"name": "string",
"orgId": "8674e368-30e9-41f7-82f6-b1669ab52ec3",
"role": "string",
"status": "string",
"streak": 42,
"teamId": "string"
"timestamp": "2025-01-14T05:03:31.485321109",
"type": "string"