Published onJanuary 24, 2022Filtering Messages by ChannelNewsProductChannels are an extra dimension of filtering messages when sending to endpoints.
Published onJanuary 17, 2022Multi-Region and Cloning EnvironmentsNewsProductComplianceYou can now create environments in different geographical regions, and easily copy settings across them.
Published onJanuary 10, 2022Svix Update December 2021 - Part 2NewsMonthly-UpdatesProductWith 2021 coming to an end, it's time for the last mega-update of the year! - Part 2
Published onJanuary 3, 2022Svix Update December 2021 - Part 1NewsMonthly-UpdatesProductWith 2021 coming to an end, it's time for the last mega-update of the year! - Part 1
Published onOctober 19, 2021Svix is SOC 2 Certified!NewsComplianceWe have successfully completed our SOC 2 compliance audit, and Svix is now SOC 2 certified!