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Svix Update December 2021 - Part 2


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This is the second part of the December 2021 update, go here for the first part.

Recovering recently failed messages

Your customers can now recover all recently failed messages automatically instead of recovering them one by one. Did they have a bad deployment and failed to process webhooks all throughout the weekend? That's easily fixed with just two clicks.

Recovering failed messages

Sending messages with custom headers

We recently added an API to let you set custom headers to be sent with every messages. This is a per-endpoint setting and lets you set headers for endpoints that need them.

Custom Endpoint Headers

Custom message payload retention

Svix retains all message payloads (content) for a period of 90 days, after which they are deleted. Retaining the payloads is useful for your customers who can then go back and view past messages, however in some cases the messages may contain private information that should be retained for a shorter period. You can read more about it in the payload retention section of the docs.

Payload retention

API Idempotency

Svix supports idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. Until now, we've supported idempotency for some of the APIs by preventing two items with the same uid to be created. With this change, we've extended the support to all of the API endpoints that support POST requests. For more information on how it works, please refer to the idempotency docs.

This change is not yet available in svix-libs but will be added in the next few weeks.


Many design and layout improvements

We have improved the design and the layout of many of the pages to make them nicer on the eyes, and better convey the information they should convey. We have also improved the loading indicator and empty state behaviors to be more consistent across the UI.

Design and layout improvements

Svix is SOC 2 certified

As first reported in October, Svix is SOC 2 certified!

What is SOC 2? Created by the AICPA, SOC 2 reports assure customers and other business partners that a business has appropriate security, privacy and operational controls in place. SOC 2 reports focus on five semi-overlapping categories called "Trust Service Principles" – security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

SOC 2 certified

We had our second team off-site

We had an end-of-the-year off-site in Upstate NY. We had a lot of fun meeting in person again and welcoming new members to the team! We made fun memories, baked some bread, and got to know each other even better.

Team off-site

We announced our $2.6m round of funding

A couple of months ago we announced that we've raised $2.6 million in funding!

Thank you again to our customers, investors, and of course the team for making it all possible. There's a quick Svix for webhooks, and we are only getting started...

You can read more on CTech, VentureBeat and other publications.

Coming next

We have a lot more in the works, and I can't wait to share what we working on! If you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding what we should work on next, please join the Svix Slack and let us know!

This is it for this update, but make sure to follow us on Twitter, Github or RSS for the latest updates for the Svix webhook provider, or join the discussion on our community Slack.