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Svix Changelog December 2024


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Svix is the enterprise ready webhooks sending service. With Svix, you can build a secure, reliable, and scalable webhook platform in minutes. Looking to send webhooks? Give it a try!

People have been asking us for a better way to get informed about product highlights and updates. Well this is it. We plan on making this post the first of many, so please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates directly to your inbox.

Onboarding wizard for the application portal

We added a showcase tour of the Svix consumer application portal. This tour helps Svix customers to better discover how to use the consumer application portal and what it offers.

It's currently directed at Svix customers, but in the future we'll also make it possible for our customers to provide a tour experience to their endpoint consumers.

Application portal tour

Easier raw messages in the SDKs

While JSON is the preferred webhook payload format, Svix supports sending payloads in any arbitrary format. Until now, sending raw payloads was a bit cumbersome, but we've now added libs helpers to make sending raw payloads as easy as sending JSON ones.

This can also be used to send pre-formatted JSON messages (if you'd like to send JSON with specific serialization), or just as a convenience if you already have the payload formatted as a string.

const messageOut = await svix.message.create(
  svix.messageInRaw('user.signup', 'This is a raw body.', 'text/plain')

Improved event catalog view

We've improved the performance, design, and layout of the application portal's event catalog. As a result of that, the event catalog is now much better suited for supporting a large number of event types, especially ones with complex hierarchies and schemas.

Application portal table of contents

Svix Play UTF-8 support

The Svix Play webhook tester and debugger didn't support UTF-8 characters, but instead just presented them as raw bytes. It now does, which means it can now present emojis in their full glory.

Svix Play emoji

Application portal attempt counts

The application portal now shows the total number of attempts made on a specific endpoint based on the current filtering. It's a small change, but a great quality of life improvement.

Application portal attempt counts

Application portal attempted messages

The application portal, by default, lists the individual attempts made on a specific endpoint. This means that if a webhook fails and is retried multiple times, it will show multiple times in the list. We have now added a way to instead show the list of attempted messages, showing each message only once regardless of the number of attempts.

Application portal attempted messages

Svix Ingest - The Webhook Receiving Gateway

We have recently released Svix Ingest to help our customers with receiving webhooks. We realize that many webhook implementations out there are not great. They don't do retries, provide no visibility, doesn't support fanning out to multiple endpoints, and more. We also know that integrating with many different webhook implementations can be a pain.

That's why we created Svix Ingest to bring the full power of Svix for consuming webhooks.

Svix Ingest will get a post of its own in the following weeks, so stay tuned for updates.

The new Svix newsletter

As mentioned in the beginning of this post, people have asking us for better ways for staying up to date with product updates and improvements. In addition to the new product changelog posts on this blog (like this one), we have also created a new Svix newsletter to make subscribing for updates easier than ever before.

You can subscribe here.

For more content like this, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Github, RSS, or our newsletter for the latest updates for the Svix webhook service, or join the discussion on our community Slack.